Five Steps to Choosing a Great Vitamin

Five Steps to Choosing a Great Vitamin

Have you ever waltzed into your friendly neighborhood nutrition store or frantically surfed the worldwide web searching for that elusive miracle pill, deluding yourself into believing that maybe, just maybe, it would somehow magically transform your so-called body into the next Brad Pitt or Angelina Jolie? Or perhaps you want pecs like Arnold. Or the energy to leap tall buildings in a single bound. Or heck, maybe you’d simply settle for enough energy to pry your sleepy little self out of that comfy bed as your annoying alarm clock goes berserk Monday morning, like a runaway freight train on steroids. If so, then you’ve probably encountered a severe mega-dose of chronic overwhelm. Yikes! We are continually bombarded with a never-ending avalanche of pills and potions. Plus, you’d almost need the bank account of Bill Gates or Donald Trump to afford the buffed-up...

What are the B Complex Vitamins?

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There is much discussion about the B complex vitamin and how it is essential for the body to perform a multitude of functions. However, the B complex vitamin is not just one big complicated vitamin, as the name may imply. There are actually eight B vitamins in the B complex vitamin as well as a few other related substances. The eight vitamins that make up the B complex vitamin are: thiamine or vitamin B1, riboflavin or vitamin B2, niacin or vitamin B3, pyridoxine or vitamin B6, cobalamin and vitamin B12, folic acid, pantothenic acid and biotin. Related substances also in the B complex vitamin include choline, inositol and para-aminobenzoic acid (PABA). Each component of the B complex vitamin has its own individual role within the body, yet it is when they work jointly as the B complex vitamin that they provide fundamental maintenance for the body to stay...